Here is the beginning of the new book I am working on now:
Nurturing, growing our Best Selves,
Our Societies, Cultures,
and the World
Listen, there
is hope for us, for the human race and for our beautiful living Earth. That is what this book is about. But I want to remind us here of the
heavy assault of negatives we commonly encounter everywhere everyday, that we
must be cognizant of and name in order to convert them and realize what Charles
Eisenstein calls in his eponymous
book “The More Beautiful World our Hearts Know Is Possible.”
Every time we
turn on the news of the day we are confronted by sheer horrors, human beings
murdering, maiming and torturing each other – in the Middle East, in Africa, in
Asia, in our own country, our own city, town or countryside. What is wrong with human beings? Are we fundamentally flawed? Are the perpetrators a different breed
from ourselves?
As of the
moment I write these words I have lived over eighty seven years in this same
world, studying our humankind, anthropology, our histories, philosophies,
religions, politics, economics, our cultures, folklore, literature, music, fine
arts, and for the past forty year I have been a counselor, trying to understand
and help people understand and deal constructively with their personal
problems. I have also been a
teacher at various time of children of all ages from elementary school through
college and beyond, and I have been a child care provider far children from
birth to school age.
I have found
that, with all our differences we human beings all share certain fundamental
qualities that are apparent from birth or from very early in the first years of
life. I realize some babies who
have experienced trauma in uteri or in the birth process carry special
challenges, but that does not negate the truth I propose here that all human
beings are, from conception, basically good. The difficulties, the challenges we carry, all arose from
events that occurred after conception, and for most people after birth.
Here is who we
are, fundamentally, based on my observation. We are curious, we want to know the world around us, and we
set out to discover it as soon as we are able. E are joyful, full of fun and love to play and to laugh. We are aware of sensations and feelings
and seek to express them immediately.
Unless we have been restricted and limited by fear, we let the world
know just what we are feeling. We
are also caring. This feeling
develops gradually, first as we become aware of our mothers and of our reliance
on them, for food, touch, warmth, and attention. A child raised with no mother or mother substitute,
institutionally, will not be robust, will languish in health and growth, and if
they survive it will take time and special attention and caring for them to form
the attachments that all human beings need, to learn to love themselves through
the love of another.
Human beings
need closeness with other human beings.
We need each other. Our
essential being fives and takes from others we are close to, and through them
we change and heal each other.
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